Monday, September 30, 2013

Firefighter Mode

With regards to our home (and life, really) we are in "firefighter mode."  We put out the latest blaze.  We respond to the most urgent need.  We are never a step ahead and we're happy if we're only a step behind.  There are seasons of life that are like that.

I was commenting this to a friend and used our new home's draperies as an example.  I was trying to be "good" and deal with things that really mattered.  I was going to be focused like a laser and finish one job before I started another.  And then, the draperies were on fire.  No, not actually on fire.  They just moved to the top of the "this is irking me" list.  It's like being on fire.

Here they are.
Main living room.  It's got "swag."

Dining room.  I "bow" to your loveliness.

And, now, they're gone.  And my friend crinkles her face and says, "Yeah, they were hid-e-ous."

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