Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wrap Up

Post image for “How To Make Money Using Etsy” by Timothy Adam – Review and Giveaway 

The year is nearly finished.  This one has passed with lightning speed!  It's hard to believe we pared down our belongings, sold our house, moved several states away...and we'll likely get to do it again in six months!  In the meantime, though, I'm plenty busy with family and my crafting mania.

My Etsy shop went online recently and my thoughtful husband and kids gifted me this book by Timothy Adam:
How to Make Money Using Etsy on

I've just begun reading it and it has plenty of concrete tasks I can get working on!  Most of them don't have anything to do with creating fabulous and inexpensive jewelry, either...Surprise!  There is some serious info in here on internet search engines and optimization and social networking for more than just fun!

I don't have any new shop listings to promote today.  All of my recent creating has been for the joy of giving!  My sweet sister, Sabra, is getting married to equally sweet Todd tomorrow afternoon in northern Minnesota and I can't be there.  But, she'll be wearing some very dangly and twinkly earrings to remind her that my heart is right there with her in a little country church.  (And I didn't take a photo before sending them off???  Well, if you knew my sis, you wouldn't worry about a shortage of pictures!)  My mom, my daughters' friends, my hubby, and a good friend of mine have all received or will receive some of my other recent projects.

On my bead tray right now is a little number that will probably be for ME!  I frequent the blog referenced below the photo of this "inspirational" piece!  The author/artist is prolific and I am so appreciative.  She makes jewelry, publishes tutorials, reviews books, features artists AND blogs more regularly that most others!  I can always find something of interest here.
Hathor Pendant
Hathor Pendant by Mortira

Inspirational Beading
I was drawn-in by her color palette, but I also loved how she took a beaded rope stitch and gave it a great, curvy shape.  It is both elegant and simple.  My version of this pendant is not completely thought-out yet, but I have begun stitching my herringbone chains in Toho Dark Cobalt Blue Transparent Matte and White Opaque Rainbow and will figure out my focal beads later!

So, my friends, I thank you for reading and would love to hear from you.  Comments are always welcome!  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the mention! I'm glad that you liked Hathor's necklace. I can't wait to see what you make!
